What we love about Disheveled Diva
I first learned about Disheveled Diva when a friend invited us over and shared some of these cake bites he had just gotten—thanks Keith! I knew I had to meet this person, especially when I learned of all the many delectable goodies she could magically whip up. Needless to say, I was hooked and it did not stop there. In 2021, Bria introduced us to what a marshmallow really is, I even brought them to share during a live television broadcast of Great Day Connecticut.
After mistakenly biting into the ‘everything bagel’ stuffed challah ball from Disheveled Diva, Donald needed to pull over. “It is too damn good… [his] new favorite breakfast”
I could try to convey other vivid memories, but no matter what Disheveled Diva is serving up, what I cherish the most is the permission I grant myself to experiment in the kitchen, to play with flavors knowing it’s okay to be a little… disheveled. Nothing has shown me more than their Signature Buttercream. It also plays incredibly well with other local favorites—new and old—like Cato Corner cheese and a fresh loaf of sourdough. It was the inspiration behind the gourmet grilled cheese kit.
Try it for yourself. Regardless of how you do it, you can’t go wrong.
This post was originally drafted on April 23, 2022. It was last updated on April 25, 2023.
Learn more about Disheveled Diva by viewing their profile page.