French Toast Custard with Signature Buttercream

Slice a loaf of Disheveled Diva's Rainbow Challah and prep an overnight bake perfect for any casual or fancy brunch!


  • 18 oz Berries (blueberries shown, but can be any berry - fresh or frozen)

  • One (1) Large Lemon - fully zested & half squeezed juice

  • One (1) 8 oz Disheveled Diva Signature Buttercream Jar

  • Three (3) Large Eggs

  • 1/4 cup white sugar or cane sugar (optional)

Vanilla Signature Buttercream (8 oz Jars)

This post was originally authored by Bria Day and shared with us to show just how versatile these jars of Signature Buttercream can be.


  1. Using non-stick spray on the inside of a casserole dish

  2. Slice Challah in thick slices and arrange upright in dish (as shown)

  3. If using fresh berries, wash and put into sauce pan. If using frozen berries, pull from frozen and put into sauce pan.

  4. Add the zest of one large lemon to sauce pan.

  5. Squeeze the juice of 1/2 of that large lemon into the berries. Reserve remaning juice for another recipe OR feel free to use the entire lemon.

  6. Optionally: Add 1/4 cup sugar (white or cane) to the sauce pan.

  7. Simmer over medium heat until the berries break down and contents form a sauce.

  8. Empty full Signature Buttercream jar into the pan and melt.

  9. In separate bowl, crack three eggs and whisk together.

  10. Take 5 large TBSP of the heated liquid in the pan and add into the eggs. Note: This tempers the eggs and makes sure when the egg mixture gets added back into the sauce pan you don't have chunks of cooked eggs. If you find that your eggs start to cook, feel free to strain the liquid before covering the Challah.

  11. Add tempered egg mixture into the sauce pan and stir together.

  12. Once fully mixed, remove from heat and pour over sliced Challah Bread in casserole dish.

  13. Cover and let sit overnight or for at least 4 hours.

  14. Once the Challah has absorbed and soaked the delicious berry buttercream sauce, bake for 30-40 minutes at 350 degrees. Note: oven temperatures may vary so be sure to watch when coming up on the 30–40-minute mark to make sure the dish has baked into a custard with limited runniness.

  15. Serve with additional Signature Buttercream melted over the warm French Toast Custard slices.



For more a quick video on this recipe, check out this Instagram Reel from Disheveled Diva or learn more about how you can liven up your food using Signature Buttercream in your home.


This post was originally authored by Bria Day and shared with Curated CT with permission. It was last updated on May 19, 2023.

Learn more about Disheveled Diva by viewing their profile page.

Donald Pendagast

Energized with each new person he meets, Donald is driven by the community and connection that results from this ‘amazing’ work. Donald founded Curated CT in late 2020 after attending graduate school at the University of Connecticut earning his MBA.

Going beyond frosting with Signature Vanilla Buttercream